What’s wrong with solos in worship?

The trend in corporate worship these days is to keep the service completely free from “performance”…

…unless of course you are the worship leader, worship team, instrumentalists, preacher, etc.

I suggest there is no such thing as a corporate worship service which is completely free from “performance”.

So…it’s really a heart issue.

Having been a Music Minister/Worship Leader for over forty years, I think I know where this idea comes from. We, rightfully, don’t want anything distracting us from the face of God in corporate worship.

Years ago I learned of a parallel between corporate worship and the theatre.
Both have three basic elements:
1. Performers
2. Prompters
3. Audience

In theatre, the PERFORMERS are on the stage doing the action. Communicating the story. The PROMPTERS are off stage helping the action to happen by pulling the curtain, running the lights, preparing for scene changes, etc. And, of course, the AUDIENCE is out front watching the action happen.

In worship, the PERFORMERS are not on the stage but in the pews doing the action of worshiping almighty God. The PROMPTERS are on the stage helping the “actors” with the action. Helping them, have a meaningful worship experience. And the AUDIENCE is God Himself, watching and enjoying the performance. Receiving worship.

From this illustration, many churches seem to confuse the roles of PERFORMERS and PROMPTERS. The people on stage are only helping the people in the pews have a genuine, heart-felt worship experience. They aren’t worshiping for them. Yes, these helpers are the preacher, worship leader, and instrumentalists but also the choir, soloist and drama team…among others.

There are many believers who, with the right heart, are gifted to lead the church in worship – directing attention to the living God. In fact, to deny a gifted Christian a part in leading worship who has a heart to reach others for Christ is a dangerous thing.

God is way too big to be confined to a tidy little “worship box”. Let Him out to amaze believers in worship!

6 thoughts on “What’s wrong with solos in worship?

  1. Craig, I am blessed to have you as a cousin and friend. What you have written I’ve felt for a long time. Worship should be about the individual sitting in the pew (or chair). As worship leaders, we are to be encouraging the congregation and help them in their worship experience. I love reading your blog.


    1. Randy…so great to hear from you! And thanks for reading this little post about worship. I KNOW you have a big heart for leading the people of God in corporate worship and have seen Him work in countless ways over the years. In Heaven, it will be an incredible joy to sing our praise to the Lord in the heavenly choir!


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